Research is the cornerstone of the work we do. With a focus on the impact of integrating spirituality into health care systems, we use a variety of quantitative, qualitative, peer-reviewed publications, and subject matter experts to inform our courses, our guidelines, and our outreach.
Evaluate the FICA Spiritual History Tool
Subject to the rigor of research and clinical applications, the FICA Spiritual History Tool was developed by Dr. Puchalski and her colleagues. We continue to monitor the tool’s efficacy, always seeking opportunities for improvement.
Learn More About Evaluate the FICA Spiritual History Tool
Palliative Care Clinical Models
In 2014, GWish joined forces with the GW Cancer Center to develop and implement the Outpatient Supportive and Palliative Care Clinic (SAPC). An innovative model of care for cancer patients with acute illness or at end-of-life, the SAPC is one of only a handful of clinics that delivers bio-psycho-social and spiritual care through the well-coordinated efforts of an interdisciplinary health care team.